faq / choosing carpet / underlay04

What kind of underlay is best for natural floorcoverings?

Natural floor-coverings have their own unique considerations when it comes to choosing an underlay - they expand and contract with changing temperature, and so precautions need to be taken to insure they don’t buckle after being fitted.

Typically, they are glued directly to the underlay, which is then glued to the floor- this is known as the ‘double stick’ method. Sponge rubber and felt are not suitable for this process, as they will absorb the glue; crumb rubber and polyurethane underlay are generally favoured.

We recommend Carpenter's Ultimate Living and Prostep underlays for this task, but it is always best to consult your fitter as they will have their own preferences. We would also suggest Ball & Young’s Cloud 9 Contract for natural flooring.

Find our selection of high-quality polyurethane underlays on the Accessories Page